Department Of Conservation Land (7)
Marine Protected Areas (8)
| Marine Protected Area |
| Marine Reserve |
| West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary |
QEII National Trust Covenant Boundaries (9)
Coastal Management Areas (5)
| Outstanding value |
| Estuary modified |
| Estuary unmodified |
| Open coast |
| Port |
Important Bird Area (IBA) for Seabirds (3)
Key Native Ecosystems (4)
Estuarine Habitats (13)
Intertidal Rocky Reefs (14)
Indicative Rocky Reef Area (33)
Land Environment New Zealand - Level 4 (11)
| <10% indigenous vegetation left |
| 10-20% left |
| 20-30% left |
| >30% left and <10% protected |
| >30% left and 10-20% protected |
| >30% left and >20% protected |
Potential Ecosystems (12)
| AH4, Woolly moss,bristle tussock, blue tussock mossfield/tussockland/stonefield |
| AL3, Red tussock tussockland/shrubland |
| BR2, Scabweed gravelfield/stonefield |
| CDF4-1, Hall’s tōtara, pāhautea, kāmahi forest |
| CDF6, Olearia, Pseudopanax, Dracophyllum scrub [Subalpine scrub] |
| CL6, Hebe, wharariki flaxland/rockland |
| DN2, Spinifex, pīngao grassland/sedgeland |
| DN2/5 Coastal Sand Dunes Mosaic |
| DN5, Oioi, knobby clubrush sedgeland |
| MF11-3, Rimu, matai forest |
| MF21, Tawa, kāmahi, rimu, northern rātā, black beech forest |
| MF4, Kahikatea forest |
| MF7-2, Rata, Tawa, kamahi, podocarp forest |
| MF7-3, Tawa, pukatea, podocarp forest |
| MF8-2, Rimu, rata, kāmahi forest |
| MF8-3, Kahikatea, rimu, kāmahi forest |
| Open Water |
| Reclaimed |
| SA1.1, Seagrass Herbfield |
| SA1.3, Searush, oioi, rushland [Saltmarsh] |
| SA2, Searush, oioi, glasswort, sea primrose rushland/herbfield [Saltmarsh] |
| VS5-2, Northern rata,kamahi forest |
| VS5-3, Kamahi forest |
| WF13, Tawa, kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau, podocarp forest |
| WF14, Kamahi, tawa, podocarp, hard beech forest |
| WF4, Pohutukawa, puriri, broadleaved forest |
| WF5, Totara, kanuka, broadleaved forest [Dune forest] |
| WF6, Tōtara, mataī, broadleaved forest [Dune Forest] |
| WF6/WF8, Dune system mosaic |
| WF8, Kahikatea, pukatea forest |
| WF8, Kahikatea, pukatea forest and Swamp mosaic |
| WL, Fen mosaic |
| WL, Swamp mosaic |
| WL12, Mānuka, tangle fern scrub/fernland |
| WL15, Herbfield [Lakeshore turf] |
| WL16, Red tussock, Schoenus pauciflorus tussockland |
| WL20, Coprosma, twiggy tree daisy scrub |
| <all other values> |
Potential Ecosystems Threat Categories (17)
| Acutely Threatened |
| Chronically threatened |
| At risk |
| Reduced |
| Less reduced or intact |
| N/A |
| <all other values> |
Regional Wetlands Layer (16)
Scheduled Wetlands TRC FWP 2001 (15)
Shorebird nesting and feeding (21)
Little Blue penguin (22)
White-fronted tern and red billed gull nesting (23)
Pelagic seabird nesting (24)
Other coastal bird feeding (25)
Marine Mammal Rookery and Haul Outs (28)
Seagrass (Eelgrass patches) (26)