Description: Date : First published: April, 2023Managed and Published by: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Land ManagementPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Maps on Local Maps.Language: EnglishContent:Recognised Areas of BiodiversityProtected AreasCoverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item is a group layer displaying Management Areas (Biodiversity) data in Taranaki Region. The group contains 'Recognised Areas of Biodiversity' and 'Protected Areas' layers. Please refer to each layer for specific metadata regarding data collection, capture, publication, and distribution. This group hosted feature layer is utilized in Local Maps and Open Data Portal, covering the Taranaki Region. It was created by the TRC GIS Team on April, 2023. For updates, please refer to each layer.Relation: Refer to layerIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Please refer to each layer for specific credit details.
Description: Date : First published: April, 2023Managed and Published by: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Land ManagementPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Maps on Local Maps.Language: EnglishContent:Department Of Conservation (DOC) LandMarine Protected AreasQEII National Trust Covenant BoundariesCoverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item is a group layer displaying Protected Areas data under Management Areas for Biodiversity in Taranaki Region. The group contains 'Department Of Conservation Land', 'Marine Protected Areas' and 'QEII National Trust Covenant Boundaries' layers. Please refer to each layer for specific metadata regarding data collection, capture, publication, and distribution. This group hosted feature layer is utilized in Local Maps and Open Data Portal, covering the Taranaki Region. It was created by the TRC GIS Team on April, 2023. For updates, please refer to each layer.Relation: Refer to layerIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Please refer to each layer for specific credit details.
Description: Date :First published: 2013Data Captured: From 2012.Last Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Department of Conservation (DOC)Publisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Protected AreaPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1664878.4330000002YMin: 5585621.9559XMax: 1794892.3947YMax: 5719891.4322Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Department of Conservation (DOC) administered land in Taranaki Region, featuring geometries (polygons) with Name, Start date, NaPALIS ID etc. It is included under Protected Areas in Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. The spatial representation of DOC's management units is defined by various acts of parliament and legislation. The attributes in this dataset are derived from the National Property and Land Information System (NaPALIS), which serves as a centralized database for all Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and Department of Conservation (DOC) administered land. This includes DOC protected areas designated under conservation statutes, ensuring comprehensive coverage and management oversight.Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Overlays ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Overlays, length: 3 )NaPALIS_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: NaPALIS_ID )End_Date ( type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: End_Date, length: 8 )Vested ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Vested, length: 3 )Section ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Section, length: 100 )Classified ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Classified, length: 3 )Legislatio ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Legislatio, length: 100 )Recorded_A ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Recorded_A )Conservati ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Conservati, length: 10 )Control_Ma ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Control_Ma, length: 3 )Government ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Government, length: 50 )Private_Ow ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Private_Ow, length: 3 )Local_Purp ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Local_Purp, length: 50 )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Type, length: 50 )Start_Date ( type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: Start_Date, length: 8 )Name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 200 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data was imported into Koordinates in Esri JSON format on January 13, 2012, updated on January 03, 2017, and subsequently converted to a Shapefile by Koordinates on May 04, 2022 (reference #2485260). The dataset has been clipped to include only features intersecting with the Taranaki Region boundary. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2013. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Department of Conservation (DOC), LINZ, Koordinates
Description: Date :First published: 2020Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Stats NZPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Protected AreaPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1642470.7543000001YMin: 5563176.199600002XMax: 1752608.179200002YMax: 5715453.326100001Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Taranaki Region, featuring polygonal geometries with names, area measurements, and other attributes. The dataset categorizes MPAs into Marine Reserves, Marine Protected Areas, and Marine Mammal Sanctuaries. It is included within the Protected Areas in the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. MPAs is crucial for the Taranaki Region as it facilitates effective conservation management, helps preserve biodiversity, and supports sustainable use of marine resources, ensuring the region's marine ecosystems remain healthy and resilient. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )NAME ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NAME, length: 100 )FIRST_CU_N ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FIRST_CU_N, length: 46 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: This dataset represents the definitive version of the regional council boundaries for 2020, annually released and defined by the regional councils and/or the Local Government Commission, and maintained by Stats NZ (the custodian). Data was imported from Koordinates in January 2020 and subsequently clipped to include only features intersecting with the Taranaki Region boundary. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2020. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team (check the item updated date on ArcGIS Online).Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Department of Conservation (DOC), Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Stats NZ, Koordinates
Description: Date :First published: 2016Data Captured: From before 2005.Last Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: QEIIPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Protected AreaPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1168135.2424999997YMin: 4792502.6324XMax: 2065672.1438000007YMax: 6153937.424400001Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Queen Elizabeth II National Trust(Ngā KairauhīPapa) administered land in Taranaki Region, featuring geometries (polygons) with Covenant Number, QEII Region etc. It is included under Protected Areas in Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. The QEII National Trust Open Space Covenant Boundaries (under the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Act 1977) constitute an inventory of registered and formalized QEII Open Space Covenants. This digital layer of covenant boundaries has been compiled from various sources nationwide, including regional and district councils, DOC conservancies, surveyors, and LandOnline. The Queen Elizabeth II National Trust (Ngā Kairauhī Papa) is an independent statutory organization and registered charity established in 1977. Its primary mission is to promote and facilitate the provision, protection, preservation, and enhancement of open spaces for the benefit of New Zealand. According to the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Act 1977, "Open Space" encompasses any land or water area that contributes to the preservation of landscapes of aesthetic, cultural, recreational, scenic, scientific, or social significance.The core objective of the QEII National Trust is to ensure the long-term protection of natural and cultural features on privately owned land through covenants. Acting as perpetual trustee, the Trust guarantees that these covenants remain protected indefinitely. This dataset illustrates the extent of digitized registered and formalized QEII National Trust Covenants across New Zealand, as of July 24, 2018, comprising 4,494 covenants represented by polygons. The data quality has been evaluated by comparing the registered area of each covenant (in hectares) with its geometric area calculated in the GIS. Presently, 96.0% of the polygons align within +/- 10% of the registered area (QualCode = 1), while the remaining 4.0% require verification and potential adjustments, with 565 polygons awaiting verification against survey plans or photo diagrams. Please note that the quality code assigned does not reflect positional accuracy.Each year, the QEII Board approves approximately 110 new covenants, although each covenant typically takes around two years to complete the registration process. Additionally, there are periodic updates to existing covenants due to factors such as subdivisions, changes in ownership, and variations.Fields:OBJECTID_1 ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID_1 )OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: OBJECTID )CovNumber ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CovNumber, length: 12 )NumBlocks ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: NumBlocks )CreatedBy ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CreatedBy, length: 35 )Comment ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Comment, length: 254 )PrevCovNum ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: PrevCovNum, length: 12 )LastUpdate ( type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: LastUpdate, length: 8 )QualCode ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QualCode )GeomArea ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: GeomArea )SHAPE_Leng ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_Leng )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Type, length: 30 )DateAppr ( type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: DateAppr, length: 8 )DateRegd ( type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: DateRegd, length: 8 )AreaSurvHa ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: AreaSurvHa )Mapref ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Mapref, length: 11 )Easting ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Easting )Northing ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Northing )WholeTitle ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: WholeTitle, length: 5 )QEIIRegion ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: QEIIRegion, length: 60 )TA_Name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: TA_Name, length: 30 )RegC_Name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: RegC_Name, length: 30 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Funding from TFBIS in 2005 enabled QEII to subcontract the digital capture of covenant boundaries from survey plans for remaining parts of the country. Since 2005, new covenant boundaries have been supplied directly to QEII by surveyors who produce the survey plans or are downloaded from LandOnline. It should be noted that the digital boundaries of the covenants serve as a graphical representation only and should not be considered as the definitive covenant boundary. Data collection and capture were performed by QEII. This dataset covers the entirety of New Zealand. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.Update dateMarch 04, 2024July 04, 2024
Copyright Text: The digital layer of QEII National Trust covenant boundaries has been compiled from various sources around the country, including regional and district councils, DOC conservancies, surveyors and LandOnline. Funding from TFBIS in 2005 enabled QEII to sub-contract the digital capture of covenant boundaries from survey plans for the remaining parts of the country. Since 2005, new covenant boundaries are supplied directly to QEII by the surveyors who produce the survey plans or are downloaded from LandOnline.
Description: Date : First published: April, 2023Managed and Published by: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Land ManagementPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Maps on Local Maps.Language: EnglishContent:Important Bird Area (IBA) for SeabirdsKey Native EcosystemsCoastal Management AreasCoverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item is a group layer displaying Recognised Areas of Biodiversity data under Management Areas for Biodiversity in Taranaki Region. The group contains 'Important Bird Area (IBA) for Seabirds', 'Key Native Ecosystems' and 'Coastal Management Areas' layers. Please refer to each layer for specific metadata regarding data collection, capture, publication, and distribution. This group hosted feature layer is utilized in Local Maps and Open Data Portal, covering the Taranaki Region. It was created by the TRC GIS Team on April, 2023. For updates, please refer to each layer.Relation: Refer to layerIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Please refer to each layer for specific credit details.
Description: Date :First published: 2017Data Captured: First captured before 2017.Last Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)Publisher: TRCSubject: BiodiversityPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1642470.75YMin: 5563176.195XMax: 1752597.2233999996YMax: 5715453.33Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Coastal Management Areas as specified in the Proposed Coastal Plan 2018 and Proposed Coastal Plan Amendments 2019 for Taranaki Region, featuring boundary polygons Name, Type, Schedules, Shape Area etc. It is included in Recognised Areas of Biodiversity and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Coastal management areas in New Zealand categorize coastal zones based on their characteristics such as outstanding value, unmodified estuaries, modified estuaries, open coast areas, and ports. The purpose of these categorizations is to effectively plan and manage the diverse environments along the coast, ensuring sustainable use, conservation of biodiversity, and resilience against natural hazards. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Type, length: 50 )Name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 80 )Schedules ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Schedules, length: 50 )Name2 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name2, length: 80 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: The layer was created in 2017 by Chris Lambert, GIS Specialist at the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), in consultation with the Policy and Planning Department of TRC. It was amended in August 2018 to align with the areas of the South Taranaki District and may undergo further revisions. This version is the most current, utilized in the Proposed Coastal Plan Amendments of 2019. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2017. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Policy and Planning Department of TRC, Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Cadastral and Topographic information derived from Land Information New Zealand, CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. Fundamental Soils Layer and Land Resource Inventory information derived from Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd, Crown Copyright 2000. The digital layer of QEII National Trust covenant boundaries has been compiled from various sources around the country, including regional and district councils, DOC conservancies, surveyors and LandOnline. Funding from TFBIS in 2005 enabled QEII to sub-contract the digital capture of covenant boundaries from survey plans for the remaining parts of the country. Since 2005, new covenant boundaries are supplied directly to QEII by the surveyors who produce the survey plans or are downloaded from LandOnline.
Description: Date :First published: November 10, 2016Data Captured: From before 2016.Last Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)Publisher: TRCSubject: BiodiversityPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1653278.6996999998YMin: 5563176.195XMax: 1752597.2233999996YMax: 5623326.4684Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This dataset displays Important Bird Area (IBA) for Seabirds in Taranaki Region, featuring boundary polygons with shape length and area measurements. It is included in Recognised Areas of Biodiversity and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. This layer delineates Important Bird Areas (IBAs) for Seabirds in the Taranaki Region, crucial for biodiversity conservation and informing local mapping initiatives. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 50 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and capture were carried out by the Biodiversity Team of the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC). Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since November 10, 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Biodiversity Team of TRC, Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Cadastral and Topographic information derived from Land Information New Zealand, CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. Fundamental Soils Layer and Land Resource Inventory information derived from Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd, Crown Copyright 2000. The digital layer of QEII National Trust covenant boundaries has been compiled from various sources around the country, including regional and district councils, DOC conservancies, surveyors and LandOnline. Funding from TFBIS in 2005 enabled QEII to sub-contract the digital capture of covenant boundaries from survey plans for the remaining parts of the country. Since 2005, new covenant boundaries are supplied directly to QEII by the surveyors who produce the survey plans or are downloaded from LandOnline.
Description: Date :First published: November 10, 2016Data Captured: From before 2016.Last Updated: Daily updates are based on the availability of data..Creator: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)Publisher: TRCSubject: BiodiversityPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1666523.7980000004YMin: 5585617.838XMax: 1768943.7340000002YMax: 5713066.656Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Key Native Ecosystems (KNE) in Taranaki Region, featuring boundary polygons with KNE Name, Ownership, Area (ha), Protection Status etc. It is included in Recognised Areas of Biodiversity and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. The KNE dataset is crucial for informing the conservation efforts of the regional council and enabling public access to detailed ecological information for informed decision-making and planning.Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )KNE_NAME ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: KNE_NAME, length: 100 )OWNERSHIP ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OWNERSHIP, length: 50 )BD_Number ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: BD_Number, length: 12 )AreaHa ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: AreaHa )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )ManagementSite_BusinessID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ManagementSite_BusinessID, length: 40 )ManagementSite_IRISObjectID ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: ManagementSite_IRISObjectID )ManagementSite_Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ManagementSite_Description, length: 1000 )Ecological_Districts ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecological_Districts, length: 1073741822 )Biodiversity_Areas ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Biodiversity_Areas, length: 1073741822 )Habitat ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Habitat, length: 150 )Land_Tenure ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Land_Tenure, length: 1073741822 )Ecosystem_Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecosystem_Type, length: 1073741822 )Wetland_System ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Wetland_System, length: 1073741822 )Coastal_System ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Coastal_System, length: 1073741822 )Protection_Status ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Protection_Status, length: 1073741822 )LENZ_Classification ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: LENZ_Classification, length: 1073741822 )Local_Classification ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Local_Classification, length: 1073741822 )National_Classification ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: National_Classification, length: 1073741822 )Regional_Classification ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Regional_Classification, length: 1073741822 )Ecological_Features ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecological_Features, length: 1073741822 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and capture were carried out by the Biodiversity Team of the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC). Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since November 10, 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Biodiversity Team of TRC, Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Cadastral and Topographic information derived from Land Information New Zealand, CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. Fundamental Soils Layer and Land Resource Inventory information derived from Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd, Crown Copyright 2000. The digital layer of QEII National Trust covenant boundaries has been compiled from various sources around the country, including regional and district councils, DOC conservancies, surveyors and LandOnline. Funding from TFBIS in 2005 enabled QEII to sub-contract the digital capture of covenant boundaries from survey plans for the remaining parts of the country. Since 2005, new covenant boundaries are supplied directly to QEII by the surveyors who produce the survey plans or are downloaded from LandOnline.
Description: Date : First published: April, 2023Managed and Published by: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Maps on Local Maps.Language: EnglishContent:Land Environment New Zealand - Level 4Potential EcosystemsEstuarine HabitatsIntertidal Rocky ReefsScheduled Wetlands TRC FWP 2001Potential Ecosystems Threat CategoriesCoverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item is a group layer displaying Ecosystem Mapping (Biodiversity) data in Taranaki Region. The group contains 'Land Environment New Zealand - Level 4', 'Potential Ecosystems', 'Estuarine Habitats', 'Intertidal Rocky Reefs', 'Scheduled Wetlands TRC FWP 2001' and 'Potential Ecosystems Threat Categories' layers. Please refer to each layer for specific metadata regarding data collection, capture, publication, and distribution. This group hosted feature layer is utilized in Local Maps and Open Data Portal, covering the Taranaki Region. It was created by the TRC GIS Team on April, 2023. For updates, please refer to each layer.Relation: Refer to layerIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Please refer to each layer for specific credit details.
Description: Date :First published: April, 2023Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Wriggle Coastal Management for Horizons Regional CouncilPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1676515.4962YMin: 5587123.3287XMax: 1748968.8783999998YMax: 5711928.4491Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Estuarine Habitats in Taranaki Region. The dataset forms part of the National Estuary Monitoring Protocol Broad-Scale Intertidal Habitat Mapping. It is included in the Ecosystem Mapping within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Estuarine habitats are vital as they support diverse marine life, act as crucial nursery areas for fish, and contribute to maintaining water quality and coastal resilience against natural disasters like storm surges. Preserving these habitats is essential for sustaining biodiversity, supporting fisheries, and safeguarding coastal communities worldwide. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )FieldCode ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FieldCode, length: 30 )area_Ha ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: area_Ha )Class ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Class, length: 50 )DomHab ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DomHab, length: 100 )SubDom1 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SubDom1, length: 100 )SubDom2 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SubDom2, length: 100 )OthSubDoms ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OthSubDoms, length: 254 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 100 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and processing were carried out by Wriggle Coastal Management for Horizons Regional Council. Substrate polygons were digitized at a scale of 1:1000 using aerial photography collected by LINZ in 2010, with a resolution of 0.4 meters per pixel. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since April, 2023. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Description: Coastal rocks layer from the LINZ digital topographic data, downloaded from Koordinates webste 21.9.2017.- imported to Koordinates in Shapefile format on 19 Mar 2010- converted by Koordinates to Shapefile on 21 Sep 2017
Copyright Text: **IMPORTANT NOTE:** Contains data sourced from Land Information New Zealand.
Crown Copyright reserved. Land Information New Zealand gives no warranty in
relation to the data, including its accuracy, reliability and suitability and
accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to any loss, damage or other costs
relating to the use of any data, any compilations, derivative works or
modifications of the data.
LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand
Description: Date :First published: July, 2024Data Captured: 2020Last Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Indicative Rocky Reef Area, MarinePurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1700635.4647000004YMin: 5576267.6216XMax: 1739466.7613000004YMax: 5609213.3786Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Indicative Rocky Reef Area in Taranaki Region. The dataset is included in the Ecosystem Mapping within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. An indicative rocky reef area typically denotes a mapped region that suggests the presence or extent of rocky reef formations based on preliminary surveys or predictive models. These areas serve as valuable references for planning and management of marine environments. The Indicative Rocky Reef Area in Southern Taranaki, as depicted based on the NIWA report on offshore subtidal rocky reef habitats on Pātea Bank, South Taranaki, represents reefs identified from a focused seabed mapping study conducted in 2020. This mapped area highlights known rocky reef locations, acknowledging that there could be additional reefs beyond this region that require further surveying for comprehensive mapping. For more detailed insights, please contact the TRC Environment Quality Team.Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: SHAPE )url ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: url, length: 255 )name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: name, length: 255 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and processing were carried out by The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). The dataset has been clipped to the Taranaki Region. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since July, 2024. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: NIWA, Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Project Reef
Description: Date :First published: 2016Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Manaaki Whenua Landcare ResearchPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1664813.7010000004YMin: 5585311.012XMax: 1771372.6069999998YMax: 5713332.813Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Land Environments New Zealand (LENZ) Level4 in Taranaki Region. The dataset is classified based on Threat Level (%). It is included within the Ecosystem Mapping in Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region.LENZ is an environment-based land classification aimed at enhancing the management of New Zealand's environmental, conservation, and land resources. The classification process utilized fifteen spatially explicit data layers that describe various aspects of New Zealand's climate, landforms, and soils. These layers were selected based on their demonstrated functional and statistical relationships with the geographic distributions of widespread indigenous tree species.The classification itself involved a two-stage multivariate procedure. Initially, a non-hierarchical procedure was used to allocate data points to nearly 800 environments across the nation. Subsequently, relationships among these 800 environments were analyzed using a hierarchical classification procedure, enabling the presentation of results at different levels of classification detail. Four classification levels were ultimately defined and extensively documented, encompassing 20, 100, 200, and 500 environments nationally. "The classification process utilized fifteen spatially explicit data layers that describe various aspects of New Zealand's climate, landforms, and soils. These layers were selected based on their demonstrated functional and statistical relationships with the geographic distributions of widespread indigenous tree species.To classify the data, a two-stage multivariate procedure was employed. Initially, a non-hierarchical procedure allocated data points to nearly 800 environments across the nation. Subsequently, relationships among these 800 environments were analyzed using a hierarchical classification procedure, allowing for results to be displayed at various levels of classification detail. Four classification levels were ultimately defined and extensively documented, comprising 20, 100, 200, and 500 environments nationally.Documentation for the classification layers can be found in two referenced documents. The first document provides an overview of the foundational concepts of the classification, a description of the biological relevance of the underlying data layers, an overview of the first two classification levels, and practical examples of LENZ applications. The second document, more technically oriented, offers detailed descriptions of the processes used to derive the underlying data layers, the techniques employed in their classification, and case studies related to Levels II, III, and IV environments described in the initial volume."Leathwick, J., Wilson, G., Rutledge, D., Wardle, P., Morgan, F., Johnston, K., McLeod, M., Kirkpatrick. R. 2003. Land Environments of New Zealand - Nga Taiao o Aotearoa. David Bateman Ltd. Auckland. 184 pp.Leathwick, J., Morgan, F., Wilson, G., Rutledge, D., McLeod, M., Johnston, K. 2003. LENZ Technical Guide. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington. 237 pp. ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )AREA_ ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: AREA )PERIMETER ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: PERIMETER )LEV4_POLY_ ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: LEV4_POLY_ )LEV4_POLY1 ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: LEV4_POLY1 )GRID_CODE ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: GRID_CODE )VALUE ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: VALUE )COUNT_ ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: COUNT )LVL_4 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: LVL_4, length: 5 )HECTARES ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: HECTARES )ELEVATION ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: ELEVATION )ANNUAL_TEM ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: ANNUAL_TEM )MIN_TEMP ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: MIN_TEMP )ANNUAL_SOL ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: ANNUAL_SOL )WINTER_SOL ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: WINTER_SOL )OCT_VPD ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: OCT_VPD )WAT_BAL_RA ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: WAT_BAL_RA )WATER_DEFI ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: WATER_DEFI )SLOPE ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: SLOPE )DRAINAGE ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: DRAINAGE )AGE ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: AGE )CHEM_LIMIT ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: CHEM_LIMIT )ACID_SOL_P ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: ACID_SOL_P )EXCH_CALCI ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: EXCH_CALCI )INDURATION ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: INDURATION )PARTICLE_S ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: PARTICLE_S )Z_IND_COVE ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: Z_IND_COVE )Z_PROTECTE ( type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: Z_PROTECTE )IND_COVER_ ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: IND_COVER_, length: 9 )THREAT_CAT ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: THREAT_CAT, length: 25 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: file K:\CS\COMPUTER_TECHNOLOGY\GIS\LENZ\LENZ_level4.lyrSource: Data collection and processing were conducted by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, with subsequent clipping by TRC GIS Specialist to include only features that intersect with the Taranaki Region boundary. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS TeamIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Description: Date :First published: April, 2016Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd.Publisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1664817.9592000004YMin: 5585363.4324XMax: 1771157.5785999997YMax: 5714558.419Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Potential Ecosystem in Taranaki Region. The dataset is classified based on ecosystem type. It is included within the Ecosystem Mapping in Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. The ecosystem classification utilized in this dataset to map potential ecosystems of the Bay of Plenty Region was developed by the Department of Conservation as a tool for prioritizing ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers, 2014). This classification synthesizes previous classifications and ecological studies aligned with an abiotic framework. It describes a full range of ecosystem types and provides a model of their potential distribution across the Taranaki Region in 1840 before widespread land clearance began for agriculture and urban development.Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Ecosystem_Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecosystem_Type, length: 100 )Comment ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Comment, length: 100 )FOREST_CLS ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FOREST_CLS, length: 5 )DESC_ ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DESC, length: 55 )nzsc_class_1 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: nzsc_class, length: 4 )name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: name, length: 75 )Source ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Source, length: 50 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: # 1670648.Source: Data collection and processing were conducted by Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd, with subsequent clipping by TRC GIS Team to include only features that intersect with the Taranaki Region boundary. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since April, 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Department of Conservation (DOC), Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd, Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Description: Date :First published: April, 2016Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd.Publisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1664817.9592000004YMin: 5585363.4324XMax: 1771157.5785999997YMax: 5714558.419Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Potential Ecosystems in the Taranaki Region as if humans were to arrive today, along with their threat category. The dataset is derived from A Potential Ecosystem map of the Taranaki Region by Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd. It classifies ecosystems based on threat categories such as Acutely Threatened, Chronically Threatened, At Risk, Reduced, etc. Understanding the potential threat to these ecosystems allows for proactive conservation efforts and sustainable land management practices to mitigate these risks and ensure long-term ecological health. This layer is integrated into the Ecosystem Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Ecosystem_Type ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecosystem_Type, length: 100 )Comment ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Comment, length: 100 )FOREST_CLS ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: FOREST_CLS, length: 5 )DESC_ ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DESC, length: 55 )nzsc_class_1 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: nzsc_class, length: 4 )name ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: name, length: 75 )Source ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Source, length: 50 )Ecosystem_Type_1 ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Ecosystem_Type_1, length: 255 )Hectares_check ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Hectares_check )Total_PE_ha ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Total_PE_ha )Threat_category ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Threat_category, length: 255 )Proportion_remaining_indigenous ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Proportion_remaining_indigenous )Sum_indigenous_2012 ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Sum_indigenous_2012 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: # 1670648.Source: Data collection and processing were conducted by Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd, with subsequent clipping by TRC GIS Team to include only features that intersect with the Taranaki Region boundary. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since April, 2016. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Nicholas Singers for Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited and Colin Lawrence, Serpentine Mapping Ltd, Department of Conservation (DOC), Taranaki Regional Council (TRC)
Description: Date :First published: 2005Data Captured: 2001Last Updated: Updates are available in Taranaki Wetlands Layer (Identifier: a20f4aa8fe2b4c74a108794cbdfc913a).Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Ecosystem MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1670663.387YMin: 5587489.392XMax: 1766277.159YMax: 5712965.866Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Scheduled Wetlands Information in Taranaki Region. The Scheduled Wetlands dataset, established in 2005, is an inventory of wetlands with Regional Significance as identified under the Taranaki Regional Council Freshwater Plan 2001. These identified wetlands have legal protection under the Resource Management Act 1991. The dataset is included in the Ecosystem Mapping within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Wetlands provide vital ecosystem services such as flood control, water purification, and habitat for diverse wildlife. Knowing the location of wetlands allows regional councils to effectively manage water resources, conserve biodiversity, and mitigate flooding risks. However, this dataset is outdated and should be supplemented with the Taranaki Wetlands Layer, which incorporates updates from TRC Land Management field officers and wetland ecologists, available at ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID_1 )FARM_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: FARM_ID )OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: OBJECTID )PAD_NAME ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: PAD_NAME, length: 32 )SHAPE_LENG ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_LENG )PA_NUM ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: PA_NUM, length: 6 )SHAPE_STArea__ ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_STArea__ )SHAPE_STLength__ ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE_STLength__ )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: The data was digitised before 2005 using 2001 aerial photography. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2017. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0852dd9f0757d4b1b9382328f4d37f31eVersion Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Description: Date : First published: April, 2023Managed and Published by: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Maps on Local Maps.Language: EnglishContent:Marine Mammal Rookery and Haul OutsCoastal bird feeding and nesting areasSeagrass (Eelgrass patches)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item is a group layer displaying Key Species Mapping (Biodiversity) data in Taranaki Region. The group contains 'Marine Mammal Rookery and Haul Outs', 'Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas' and 'Seagrass (Eelgrass patches)' layers. Please refer to each layer for specific metadata regarding data collection, capture, publication, and distribution. This group hosted feature layer is utilized in Local Maps and Open Data Portal, covering the Taranaki Region. It was created by the TRC GIS Team on April, 2023. For updates, please refer to each layer.Relation: Refer to layerIdentifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Name: White-fronted tern and red billed gull nesting
Display Field: Type
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays information on Coastal bird feeding and nesting areas in the Taranaki Region, categorized by types such as Shorebird nesting and feeding, Little Blue penguin, White-fronted tern, and red-billed gull nesting, Pelagic seabird nesting, and Other coastal bird feeding. These areas are critical for New Zealand's coastal bird species, providing essential habitats for feeding and nesting activities. Coastal environments in New Zealand are particularly significant as they support diverse avian populations that rely on these habitats for breeding, foraging, and resting during migration. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Type ( type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Type )Description ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 255 )CB_ID ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CB_ID, length: 8 )Location ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Location, length: 255 )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STArea() )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape.STLength() )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2021Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1686503.0257680563YMin: 5675632.129033675XMax: 1690658.3870574345YMax: 5677804.152256759Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Marine Mammal Rookery and Haul Outs information in the Taranaki Region. The dataset provides crucial breeding, resting, and socializing habitats for species like seals and sea lions, contributing significantly to local biodiversity and marine ecosystem health. Conservation efforts focused on monitoring and protecting these areas are essential to ensure the continued presence and well-being of these marine mammals. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )id ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: id, length: 8000 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and citizen science sources (eBird, iNaturalist) in 2021. Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2021. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC), eBird, iNaturalist
Description: Date :First published: 2017Data Captured: N/ALast Updated: Updates are based on the availability of data.Creator: TRCPublisher: TRCSubject: Biodiversity, Key Species MappingPurpose: To be utilized for Open Data within the Web Map on Local Maps.Language: EnglishFormat: Feature Layer (hosted)Type: Vector (Polygon)Coverage: Top (Latitude) -38.668783, Bottom (Latitude) -39.879076, Left (Longitude) 173.745239, Right (Longitude) 175.103509Full ExtentXMin: 1666322.4768494703YMin: 5641366.838083646XMax: 1705438.6038844064YMax: 5684515.377661047Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)Spatial Coverage: Taranaki Region, New ZealandProjection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000)Description: This item displays Seagrass (Eelgrass patches) information in the Taranaki Region. The dataset provides location of eelgrass (Zostera spp.) patches. Seagrass, including eelgrass patches, are vital marine habitats that provide nursery grounds for numerous species, contribute to coastal stability, and play a crucial role in carbon storage and nutrient cycling in marine ecosystems. Eelgrass patches refer to dense underwater meadows composed primarily of eelgrass (Zostera spp.), which are flowering plants adapted to survive submerged in marine or estuarine environments. These patches are important habitats in coastal ecosystems, providing shelter, food, and breeding grounds for various marine organisms such as fish, crustaceans, and shellfish. Eelgrass patches also contribute to stabilizing sediments, improving water clarity, and cycling nutrients within the ecosystem. They are significant for their role in supporting biodiversity and enhancing the overall health of coastal marine environments. In the Taranaki region of New Zealand, seagrass plays a significant ecological role as it supports diverse marine life, including commercially important fish species, and helps maintain water quality by filtering nutrients and sediments. This ecosystem is also crucial for carbon sequestration and provides habitat for endangered species such as the seahorse. This layer is integrated into the Key Species Mapping group within the Biodiversity group layer and serves as a feature layer for web maps in local mapping applications covering the Taranaki Region. Fields:OBJECTID ( type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID )Shape ( type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape )id ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: id, length: 8000 )label ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: label, length: 8000 )editable ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: editable, length: 8000 )geotype ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: geotype, length: 8000 )showBearing ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showBearing, length: 8000 )showArea ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showArea, length: 8000 )showDiameter ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showDiameter, length: 8000 )showHeight ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showHeight, length: 8000 )showLength ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showLength, length: 8000 )showPerimeter ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showPerimeter, length: 8000 )showRadius ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showRadius, length: 8000 )showSegment ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showSegment, length: 8000 )showTotals ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showTotals, length: 8000 )showWidth ( type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: showWidth, length: 8000 )Shape_Length ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length )Shape_Area ( type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area )Relation: Data collection and processing were conducted by TRC ecologists in collaboration with Department of Conservation (DOC). Publication and distribution have been managed by TRC since 2017. The item was created by the TRC GIS Team.Identifier: c2f9b54a0aab49afbf5e63def2b08ef0Version Control: None. Users should take note of the date on which they downloaded the data.
Copyright Text: Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), Department of Conservation (DOC)